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Talent Construction is the CV library of VINCI Construction

To take full advantage of the system, employees are encouraged to load their CVs into the library and to update all their information at least once a year before their annual interview.

Personal data are kept secure, meaning that employees can only access their personal CV (for loading and updating) and their corporate CV (for consultation). Only your managers and the design and HR departments have specific access rights for the purposes of staffing, placing tender bids, preparing for annual interviews and managing talent within your business unit.

Concerning the security of personal data, employees can only access their resume. The Human Resources Direction (career management), the Studies Department and your Directors have secure access to your entity, to facilitate the deployment of staff, the responses to RFP, the annual interviews and the talent management of your team.

Enjoy the Talent Construction experience!

Data security and confidentiality

VINCI Construction manages personal user data in accordance with law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technologies, Data Files and Civil Liberties, as amended. VINCI Construction undertakes to protect data, to ensure that they are not misrepresented, damaged or divulged to unauthorised third parties, and to use them exclusively for the purposes mentioned above.